Resources for Divorce

If you have never faced divorce before, or even if you have, the more information you have, the better equipped you are to deal with the issues that come up during the divorce process. The links below will carry you to resources that offer real help from experts in this field. 

Decide Whether You Have a Legitimate Reason to Divorce

Ultimate surveillance software. Records all web sites your spouse visted, all keystrokes typed, all incoming and outgoing e-mails.

The Anatomy of An Affair-Is it possible to survive an affair? Should you save your marriage or divorce?

Decide whether to get a divorce or leave your love relationship.

Domestic Violence Survival Guide

Divorce Support and Information

Divorce Support Products

Leading E-Books on Divorce and Separation Issues for the consumer.

Special Divorce Resources for Women

Breakthrough resource to help women who are unhappy in marriage make a careful decision.

Helping women facing divorce to take control of their future

Year 2005 Strategies by Custody Experts, Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot (MENS Version or WOMENS Version)

Want to Get Rid of Painful Memories? Sell Your Wedding Dress Online by Clicking Here Now!

Special Divorce Resources for Men

Divorce Coach for Dads

Year 2005 Strategies by Custody Experts, Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot (MENS Version or WOMENS Version)

Child Custody Software

Child Support Help

Do you want to lower your child support or settle past due balances? Want assistance with your arrearages? Get help now with the Child Support Relief Foundation.


Begin Your Divorce Online- Save Thousands of Dollars In Legal Fees By Filing for Your Uncontested Divorce Online!

New Divorce or Separation, New Will!

Every person newly divorced or separated knows it is important to make a Will, but most put off making one for a variety of reasons.

The directors of Will Drafters Ltd, David Crossland and Michelle Hanover, are now urging all newly divorced or separated to make a Will.

“Leaving a partner can be like starting a new life. But with your new life comes new responsibility. An untimely death now would be a great tragedy, particularly if your surviving family then had to battle with your ex partner to get what they thought was rightfully theirs”, said Mr Crossland.

“And there’s always the question of who’s going to be the guardian of your children”, said Miss Hanover.

Will Drafters offer a convenient Wills-by-phone service and have written over 70,000 Wills since the two directors founded it in 1990.

For further details and a free Will brochure Click Here

Children and Divorce

Parental Alienation: What Is It? How Can Parents Fight It? Most Complete Volume Of Information About Pas Ever Published.

Divorce Parenting Guide. A MUST-HAVE ebook to raise your kids right.

Smart Divorce outlines a step-by-step holistic approach on how to help your children not to just survive, but THRIVE!

Saving Money On Divorce

How to maximize financial, emotional, and custodial results of divorce.

Legally Save Massive Amounts of Money on Your Divorce

Find out how to avoid making common costly mistakes during divorce and save thousands of dollars.